best real estate books for beginners

9 Best Real Estate Books for Beginners in 2023

Are you looking to get into real estate but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. We’ll be sharing the nine best real estate books for beginners who are looking to get into the real estate market.

These recommended books offer comprehensive insight into different aspects of the real estate process and serve as a great starting point for first-time real estate investors.

With their help, you can gain more knowledge about everything that goes into buying and selling property – from gaining financial literacy and developing an understanding of taxes and regulations to researching neighborhoods and choosing properties wisely.

* All the books listed are published after the Financial Crisis of 2008 when the housing market defaulted on many high-risk loans leading to a recession.

This is to avoid any prenotion of the real estate market before the crash the author may have when writing their book.

Table of Contents

Best Real Estate Books for Beginners

1.)  Real Estate Investing QuickStart Guide

best real estate books for beginners

By Symon He

The Real Estate Investing QuickStart Guide is one of the best real estate books for beginners.

This comprehensive guide empowers readers to understand the real estate investment fundamentals, develop strategies as a real estate investor, and safely enter the real estate market.

Through simple-to-follow guides, detailed case studies, and expert advice, this book takes aspiring real estate investors step-by-step through what they need to know to make moves toward creating passive income.

With this helpful resource at hand, anyone from those just starting into real estate investing to experienced real estate investors can start navigating confidently in the world of the real estate market.

2.)  Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down

best real estate books for beginners

By Brandon Turner

Another ultimate beginner’s guide for real estate investors is The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down.

The book teaches real estate investing basics, explains how to find deals when you don’t have much money, and reveals expert tips for success—all condensed into an approachable and easy-to-understand format.

Turner gives you a bulletproof plan on how to make your money work for you, allowing you to use real estate as your key source of income.

New real estate investors can benefit from Turner’s real-world examples of successful real estate concepts put into action. He also delves deep into topics such as managing tenants and understanding tax strategies, while also introducing readers to key terms and real estate finance concepts.

This book is one of the most popular real estate investing books on the market today by Brandon Turner — it’s a must-read for real estate beginners.

3.) Rental Property Strategies

best real estate books for beginners

By Michael Steven

Rental Property Strategies is an excellent book for rental property investing beginners. It covers important rental property concepts, from legal basics to practical advice and tips.

With straightforward explanations and real-world examples, Steven creates a no-nonsense guide for rental property investing fans of all experience levels. He focuses on the importance of rental property research to choose the right properties for investment success.

Offers advice on financing rental investments and explains common rental pitfalls that can be avoided as a beginner.

Additionally, he emphasizes having patience during the rental process to ensure you make the best decision for your rental property investments.

All these invaluable insights make Rental Property Strategies an informative read and ideal for any rental property beginner.

4.) 30-Day Stay: A Real Estate Investor’s Guide to Mastering the Medium-Term Rental

best real estate books for beginners

By Zeona McIntyre and Sarah Weaver

This book takes readers on an educational journey that will teach them all about rental properties, how to make money from rental property investing, and how to best succeed in rental property investing operating on a medium-term rental.

Its concise yet detailed format makes it easy for rental property investors to quickly understand rental properties, rental investment strategies, and the process of renting out their investments.

Also, from rental property selection and rental unit preparation to leasing, rental negotiation, policies and procedures, and marketing your rental units, everything you need to know as a new rental property investor is covered in detail.

You’ll learn important tools like setting objectives, researching real estate markets, and advice on how to manage tenants.

Furthermore, this book dives deep into understanding rental laws and regulations in different states where you may be considering building your rental property portfolio.

With 30-Day Stay, novice rental property investors can learn the essentials of rental properties and confidently get started with their rental investment venture.

5.) Your First 365 Days in Real Estate

best real estate books for beginners

By Shelley Zavitz

Your First 365 Days in Real Estate is an invaluable asset for real estate beginners who are interested in starting their real estate business and building up their real estate portfolio within one year.

The book covers strategies, tips, and advice to kickstart real estate business success. Offers real-life experiences and easy-to-follow steps to strengthen real estate investor potential, while detailing how a real estate business often works.

It starts with an overview of real estate investing, then it shares strategies for finding and evaluating potential deals.

From evaluating what real estate investments are right for you, understanding real estate trends and terminology, and finding real estate deals and resources. 

Great material for both beginner real estate investors as well as those interested in advancing their knowledge of the market.

Take your first leap into real estate with this book as it serves as a solid foundation to start your real estate journey.

6.) Buy It, Rent It, Profit!

best real estate books for beginners

By Bryan Chavis

Buy It, Rent It, Profit! is an excellent introductory guide for anyone considering property management or real estate investing.

The book gives readers the basics of managing rental properties, from finding the ideal property to successfully dealing with tenants.

Everything new property owners need to know, including how to screen tenants, property maintenance tips, and strategies for long-term success.

Also, essential tips on budgeting, repairs, and legal matters that a property investor should know.

With its comprehensive step-by-step advice and easy-to-follow diagrams, Buy It, Rent It, Profit! is an excellent tool for beginner property investors looking to make the most of their investments.

7.) How to Start a Successful Airbnb Business

best real estate books for beginners

By Walter Grant and Richard Anderson

Walter Grant and Richard Anderson’s book ‘How to Start a Successful Airbnb Business’ is your ultimate beginner’s guide to owning and operating an Airbnb investment property.

Written by two real estate experts, the book will give you all the knowledge needed for finding and investing in sound property deals that would be perfect for renting out on Airbnb.

Each chapter addresses the key steps for starting a successful Airbnb business, from finding the perfect investment property and evaluating and assessing profitable real estate deals to understanding the importance of customer service.

It’s an essential source of information that covers every aspect of launching an Airbnb venture.

Whether you’re hoping to learn about the basics of Airbnb business operations or are already well-versed in the industry, this book is an invaluable reference for setting up as an Airbnb host.

8.) The Book on Rental Properties Investing

best real estate books for beginners

By Brandon Turner

Brandon Turner provides another excellent resource for those starting in property management and real estate investment.

It is full of practical advice written to novice real estate investors, walking beginners through essential topics ranging from concepts of property evaluation, legal regulations, property management, and powerful tactics for success.

In addition, Brandon shares numerous anecdotes from his own experience in property management, providing a review of common pitfalls as well as an uplifting introduction to the world of real estate investing in rental properties.

This is a great addition to real estate books for any beginner real estate investor to add to their collection.

9.) Investing in Rental Properties for Beginners: Buy Low, Rent High

best real estate books for beginners

By Lisa Phillips

Investing in real estate can be intimidating for those with no real estate experience, but according to Lisa Phillips in her book “Buy Low, Rent High,” it is possible to get an investment property of your own for as little as $30,000.

Great for those beginning their real estate journey on a tight budget. To make this happen, Lisa suggests real estate investors take advantage of creative financing and vigilantly research the real estate market.

Through efforts such as networking and searching sites like Zillow and Craigslist, novice real estate investors can find real estate deals that are too good to pass up.

With Phillip’s advice, real estate investors can identify and purchase real estate properties of their desired profit margins at attractive prices.

She also provides insight into how exactly one should acquire an investment property and helps readers learn how to protect their interest rates as real estate investors.

It’s exciting to know that beginner real estate investors have opportunities to start their real estate investments without much money needed upfront. With determination and flexibility, success in real estate investing is possible.


How do I teach myself real estate?

Becoming a real estate investor doesn’t have to be hard or intimidating. With the right resources, a person without any real estate experience can become a real estate investor in no time.

It’s important to remember that real estate is a business and as with any business, knowledge, and guidance are key.

Real Estate Resources:

  • Mentor (Best resource if you know someone)
  • Meetup events with other real estate investors in your local area
  • Real estate books (Mentioned above)
  • Online real estate courses
  • Real estate seminars or workshops
  • YouTube Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Real Estate Forums

As you start taking steps toward purchasing your first investment property, you must do your research and due diligence to make smart decisions along the way on what to invest in real estate.

What type of real estate is best for beginners?

When it comes to real estate investing, there is no single best option for beginners. The type of real estate that works best for beginner investors largely depends on their financial and personal circumstances.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are the easiest way to invest in real estate: these publicly traded companies allow you to invest in residential and commercial real estate without having to own a property yourself. REITs provide an opportunity to diversify your portfolio with real estate investments.

Another option is crowdfunding – it gives people the ability to invest small amounts of money into large projects, thus providing access to large development deals even if you don’t want to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Flipping houses can be financially rewarding, but carries high risk since homeowners are typically responsible for check-ins and a detailed inspection of the property.

Residential properties can be easier to manage since lessees usually take care of basic maintenance and upkeep; however, this also requires significant capital investment.

Investment properties can generate passive income while also building equity; they also generally require less upfront money than flipping houses or residential properties.

For more advanced investors, investing in commercial properties can also offer great returns if done well.

Ultimately, whichever option you decide on will depend on your own goals and current financial situation.

How can a beginner succeed in real estate?

For successful real estate investing, the most important thing for anyone starting, regardless of experience or knowledge, is to take action.

Research should involve examining successful real estate investors and their strategies, as well as examining local market trends.

Education is important to develop the skills necessary to assess potential investments.

Reading successful real estate investing books written by experienced investors can provide knowledge that will benefit you in the long run.

Include networking with real estate agents, lenders, and contractors who may help provide further education and resources in the area of real estate.

Find a mentor or consider joining a real estate investment group or online community of successful people who already know how to structure deals and create wealth through successful investments in real estate.

With the right guidance and support, you too can succeed in the real estate market.

Closing Thoughts

Investing in real estate is a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right guidance and resources, it can be relatively easy to start your journey in real estate.

The books mentioned in this post serve as a starting point for any beginners who want to enter the world of real estate investment. Each of these titles offers something unique to aspiring real estate investors.

Pick any of these best real estate books for beginners to begin your investment in real estate and you’ll find yourself ahead of where you started.